jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2006


Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP

2nd IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on advanced EXPerimental activities ON WIRELESS
networks & systems

18 June, 2007, Helsinki, Finland

in conjunction with IEEE WoWMoM 2007 (http://ieee-wowmom.tml.hut.fi/)

Wireless networks represent a challenging and ever growing research area. In
these systems the interactions among the different network layers are very
complex and their effects on the overall performance are not easy to
accurately identify. Additionally, many simplifying assumptions considered
in analytical studies do not hold in practise. Experimental activities
involving the development of systems and device prototypes and the
collection and analysis of measurements from actual networks can provide
insight on the behaviour of such systems in realistic environments, which
can be beneficial for understanding how cross-layer interactions impact in
practise the overall performance, for deriving realistic simulation models,
for analyzing particular phenomena and evaluating algorithms and protocols,
and for exploring the design choices in building actual wireless networks.
Such activities are pivotal for researchers, developers, service managers
and providers, as well as for end users involved in the evolution of these

After a successful first event last year, EXPONWIRELESS 2007 aims to again
bring together all the aspects related to experimental activities on
wireless networks, creating a forum where researchers, vendors, providers
and users can exchange ideas on past experience, current requirements, and
future visions, that are important for the development of new protocols,
algorithms, devices and systems.

High quality papers discussing original and innovative experimental
activities on wireless networks are solicited for submission. The main
topics of the workshop are (but are not limited to):

* Device prototypes for wireless BANs, PANs, LANs, and MANs
* Prototype implementation of wireless/mobile networks and systems
* Deployment and experience with multi-hop multi-radio wireless mesh
* QoS for real-time voice/video in wireless networks
* Differentiated services in wireless multimedia networks
* Systems and methods for collecting and analyzing measurements in wireless
* Power control and channel assignment
* Algorithms for self-configuration and self-management of beyond-3G systems
* Seamless internetworking and architectures for beyond-3G systems
* Handoff and mobility management in beyond-3G systems
* Energy-efficient protocols and power management algorithms
* Wireless security
* Wireless vehicular networks
* Wireless/Mobile applications and services
* Middleware platforms for wireless/mobile environments
* Mobility models
* Location services
* Positioning and tracking technologies

Submitted manuscripts should adhere to the IEEE double-column standard
format with 10pt font size for texts. Authors should use only standard
fonts, i.e., Times Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Helvetica, or equivalent. The
maximum length of the manuscript is 6 pages. This limit includes figures,
appendix, bibliography, etc. Papers significantly exceeding this limit will
be automatically rejected. All papers must be submitted in PDF format to the
address exponw@ics.forth.gr.

Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE in the combined WoWMoM 2007
workshop proceedings.

Submission Deadline: January 8, 2007
Acceptance Notification: February 26, 2007

Rosario G. Garroppo, Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Pisa,
Yonghe Liu, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Vasilios A. Siris, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research &
Technology - Hellas (FORTH) and University of Crete, Greece

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