jueves, 3 de mayo de 2007

[Tccc] WiMob'07: Special Session on Mobility Models

CFP for IEEE WiMOB'2007 special session on Mobility Models for
Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Mesh networks, Wireless networks and NEMO

The session is a part of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on
Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
"WiMob 2007"

http://www.gel.usherbrooke.ca/WiMob2007/, which will take place in
Crowne Plaza Hotel, White Plains, New York, USA, from October 8-10, 2007.


Because WiMob'07 conference is focused on wireless networks and because
the performances of wireless networks are strongly linked to the
mobility models used, we propose a special session focusing only on
mobility models. This session is focused on these kind of wireless
- MANET: Mobile ad hoc networks where whole the topology is dynamic
- Mesh networks and classical wireless networks offering an
infrastructure topologies allowing fixed and mobile Internet for the
end user.
- Network Mobile (NEMO) networks offering new kind of dynamic topology
where not only the user is mobile but also the network

These kind of networks should deal with mobility: user mobility, group
mobility, etc. But, what is really mobility? how mobility influences the
performances? how to define new mobility models? etc.

Scope of the Contributions for Mobility Models in the case of MANET,
Mesh Networks, Wireless Networks and NEMO networks (include but are not
limited to the following):

- Performance evaluation of mobility models

- New mobility models to mimic particular behavior

- Theoretical aspects of mobility models

- Theoretical frameworks for mobility

- Mobility models based on realistic traces

- Mobility management

- Networking protocols and mobility models

- Tools for mobility models (generators, integrators to simulators, ..)

- etc.

Authors are invited to submit a complete technical paper of their
original work. Maximum length for submissions is 8 double column pages
in IEEE format. The preferred submission format is PDF.

Session Chair: Fabrice Valois, INSA Lyon, France
Session Co-chair: Thomas Noel, University of Strasbourg, France

Submissions should be sent attached by email to the session chairs at:


Important Dates :

Manuscript Submission Due: May 25, 2007
Acceptance Notification: June 8, 2007
Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2007

Fabrice Valois, Associate Professor
INRIA ARES / CITI - INSA Lyon, Telecommunications Dpt.
Web: http://fvalois.insa-lyon.fr/
Tel: +33 472 436 418

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