jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2007

[Tccc] CFP - QoSim 2008


First International Workshop on the
Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation in the Future Internet
Marseille, France, March 3, 2008

http://www.qosim.org - info@qosim.org

Held in conjunction with SIMUTools 2008, http://www.simutools.org

Sponsored by ICST, Create-Net, IEEE France Section.


The aim of this workshop is to bring together academic and industry
researchers and practitioners from both the networking and the simulation
communities to discuss current and future trends in simulation techniques,
models and practices for the Future Internet and to foster interdisciplinary
collaborative research in this area. We solicit submission of manuscripts
presenting original research results, not previously published nor currently
under review by another conference or journal. Authors are invited to submit
PDF versions of full papers of up to 8 pages in ACM conference proceedings
format through COCUS (http://cocus.create-net.it), following the
available on the workshop website. All submitted papers will go through a
rigorous peer review process. The workshop values both theoretical and
practical research contributions, which will be judged on originality,
significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness. Accepted papers
will be available online through the ACM digital library (approval pending).
Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be considered for a
journal special issue.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Emerging access technologies (WiMax, 3.5G and beyond, Wireless Mesh
Networks, 802.11x, etc.).
- Disruptive network paradigms (bio-inspired, autonomic, opportunistic
networking, etc.).
- Multi-layer network architectures.
- Cross-layer simulation.
- End-to-end simulation of heterogeneous, mobile and multi-domain networks.
- Fluid-flow simulation for assessing QoS in large scale networks.
- New and emerging services and applications.
- QoS negotiation, service chain negotiation and Service Level Agreements.
- QoS components (scheduling algorithms, admission control schemes, QoS
routing and traffic engineering schemes, etc.).
- Scalability analysis.
- Traffic modeling.


Manuscript Submission Due: Nov 18, 2007.
Acceptance Notification: Jan 7, 2008.
Final Manuscript Due: Jan 20, 2008.
Conference Date: March 3, 2008.


Giovanni Stea, University of Pisa, Italy.
Halina Tarasiuk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

- Eitan Altman (INRIA, France).
- Albert Banchs (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain).
- Christof Brandauer (Salzburg Research, Austria).
- Wojciech Burakowski (Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland).
- Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira (Drexel University, USA).
- Armando Caro Jr (BBN Technologies, USA).
- Kenjiro Cho (IIJ, Japan).
- Claudio Cicconetti (University of Pisa, Italy).
- Markus Fiedler (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden).
- Chuanxiong Guo (Nanjing University, China).
- Qi He (Yahoo! Inc., USA).
- Polly Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan).
- Gianluca Iannaccone (INTEL, UK).
- Robert Janowski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland).
- Thomas Karagiannis (Microsoft Research, UK).
- Benjamin Melamed (Rutgers Business School, USA).
- Telemaco Melia (NEC Network Labs, Germany).
- Michela Meo (Politecnico Torino, Italy).
- Enzo Mingozzi (University of Pisa, Italy).
- Krzysztof Pawlikowski (University of Canterbury, New Zealand).
- Simone Redana (Nokia Siemens Networks, Italy).
- Fabio Ricciato (Forschunszentrum Telekommunikation, Austria).
- Werner Sandmann (University of Bamberg, Germany).
- Susana Sargento (Technical University of Aveiro, Portugal).
- Kurt Tutschku (Wuerzburg University of Technology, Germany).
- Manuel Villen Altamirano (Telefonica I+D, Spain).

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