jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Launching of IEEE Wireless Communications Letter

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to introduce you an excellent avenue for your
publications, the IEEE Wireless Communications Letter. This journal is
sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Signal
Processing Society, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. This
journal will be expected to have very fast publication cycle, which
allows you to publish 4-page papers on broad topics of wireless
communications and networking. The manuscript center of this journal
can be found in the following link:


I appreciate your help to distribute this message to your colleagues
and we hope to see your great publications in this journal in the near

Best regards,
Long Le, PhD
INRS, University of Quebec
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
(TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication.

Pietro Manzoni @ http://www.disca.upv.es/pmanzoni

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