lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007

UCAMI'07: Call for Papers

3rd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient
Intelligence (UCAmI'07)

To be held in the CEDI 2007: Segundo Congreso Español de Informática.
Zaragoza, September 11th - 14th, 2007

Call for papers

During the last years a new interdisciplinary field of research is
emerging, a field that is bound to change
in a radical way the everyday life of people. This research area has
been recently named as Ambience Intelligence,
although its results were previously known as Smart Rooms or Intelligent
Environments. The vision behind this
concept is the creation of rooms where humans interact in a natural and
non-invasive way with computational services
that help them in their everyday tasks, both related with work and with
leisure. The foundation of these works may
be traced to the concept of ubiquitous computing proposed initially by
Weiser in 1991, and involve results from many
established areas of research, such as pervasive communications,
mutimodal user interfaces, artificial vision and
Although in Spain there is a long tradition of research in each of these
individual areas which are involved in the
creation of intelligent environments, there is no recognised national
forum to exchange specific experiences and work
in Ambience Intelligence as a whole. Focusing in this direction, a first
Workshop was held under the umbrella of the
Spanish Conference of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2003), whose
natural continuation is this symposium on Ambience


Ad Hoc Computing
- Mobile ad hoc, sensor/actuators networks & RFIDs technologies for AmI
- Ad hoc and sensor networks support for ubiquitous computing
(architectures, protocols, etc.)
- Hybrids systems, integration and interworking of wired and wireless
networks in ubiquitous computing

Context-Aware and Location
- Localization & tracking
- Inference techniques for context
- Context modelling

Visualization and implicit HCI
- Pervasive display systems
- User interface and interaction models
- Information visualization
- Adaptative User interface

System support infrastructure and technologies
- Radiofrequency identification (RFID)
- Near Field Communication (NFC)
- Middleware and agent technologies
- Wearables
- Services discovery mechanisms and protocols

Real-applications in AmI
- AmI & e-learning
- AmI & e-health
- Home Automations
- e-Payment and ticketing
- AmI & city-life
- Mobil pay
- Smart Poster

Other topics
- Embedded Controls
- Mobile Computing
- Security & Privacy
- Performance and Dependability of AmI
- AmI-Ontologies

Program committee

· José Bravo (UCLM, Spain) - Chair
· Emile Aarts (Philips Research)
· Xavier Alamán (UAM, Spain)
. Mariano Alcañiz (UPV, Spain)
· Cecilio Angulo (UPC, Spain)
. Francisco J. Ballesteros (URJC, Spain)
. Yang Cai (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
· Luigi Ceccaroni (TMT Factory, UPC, Spain)
· Han-Chieh Chao (National Ilan University, Taiwan)
· Yuh-Shyan Chen (National Taipei University, Taiwan)
· Rafael Corchuelo (U. Sevilla, Spain)
· Jesús Favela (CICESE, México)
. Joao M. Fernandes (U. Minho Portugal)
· Lidia Fuentes (U. Málaga-Spain)
· Carlos García Rubio (UC3M, Spain)
. Victor M. Gonzalez (University of Manchester, UK)
. Hagras, Hani (University of Essex, UK)
. Günter Haring (University of Vienna)
. Natividad Herrasti (Ikerlan, Spain)
· Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta (U Murcia, Spain)
. Wijnand IJsselsteijn (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
. Carlos Juiz (U.I.Balleares, Spain)
. Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
. Isidro Laso (D.G. Information Society and Media. European Commission)
· Diego López de Ipiña (U. Deusto, Spain)
. Javier López (U. Malaga, Spain)
. Juan Carlos López (UCLM, Spain)
. Ricardo J. Machado (U. Minho, Portugal)
. Oscar Mayora (Create-Net,Italy)
· Andrés Marín (UC3M, Spain)
. René Meier (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
. Francisco Moya (UCLM, Spain)
· Francesc Moll (UPC, Sain)
. Sergio Ochoa (U. Chile)
. Nuria Oliver (Microsoft Research, USA)
· Teresa Riesgo (UPM, Spain)
. Giuseppe Riva (Catholic University of Milan, Italy)
. Marcela Rodriguez (UABC, Mexico)
. James Scott (Intel Research, Cambridge, UK)
. Pablo Vidales (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany)

Organizing Committee

- R. Hervás (UCLM, Spain)
- I. Sánchez (UCLM, Spain)
- G. Chavira (UAT, Mexico)
- S. Nava (UAT, Mexico)
- F. Villanueva (UCLM, Spain)
- D. Villa (UCLM, Spain)
- P. Haya (UAM, Spain)
- G. Montoro (UAM, Spain)
- A. Esquivel (UAM, Spain)
- M. García-Herranz (UAM, Spain)


Call for papers: Febrary 16th, 2007
Submission date: May 7th, 2007
Notification date: June 1st, 2007
Camera Ready date: June 15th, 2007
Symposium date: September 11th-14th, 2007


The proceedings of UCAmI'07 will be published by THOMSON. Also, with a
selection of the best papers,
a special issue of the International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous
Computing will be published.


3rd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient
Intelligence (UCAmI'07)

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